bid there won that

Friday, August 04, 2006

July Game Day 2006

July Game Day - July 1, 2006

Location: Duane & Steve's Place

At the Table: Alec, Brad, Dave, Duane, Jake, Jim, Ken W, Kenney, Kent, Kevin, Lisa, Snoop, Steve, Valerie

On the Table: Alibi, Attika, Blokus, Bridges of Shangri-La, Carcassonne, Category 5, Citadels, Cleopatra and the Society of Architects, Giganten, Kill Dr. Lucky, Power Grid, Princes of Florence, Puerto Rico, Santiago, Settlers of the Stone Age, St. Petersburg (x2), Ticket to Ride: Marklin, Torres

Another spectacular get-together. Thanks to Duane and Steve for hosting. It was Casa Tortilla-- I think everyone had their own bag! First of all, I'd like to welcome Brad back after a long absence. And I'd like to welcome Kent to his first monthly meeting. Hmm. Ken, Kenny, Kent... One of you is going to have to get a cool nickname. Like 'Snoop'.

Games Presented in alphabetical order (for your protection):
Winners in [ ].

[Kevin] 38
Kenny 21
Lisa 9

I think Kevin brings this because he knows he's the only one who has a shot at winning. The last time I played I felt like a blind man with sunglasses in a dark room. In this game you're supposed to be deducing *something*. What, I have no idea. One day I'll have to break out my home-made copy of Black Vienna -- the only deduction game that I've enjoyed to date (and that includes Sleuth, by my hero, Sid Sackson)


This is another one that is available to us at BSW. It has its roots in the connection family of games, but can also be won by playing all of your tiles to the board. Of course, once I remarked how unlikely a connection win would be in a four-player game, Jim did just that. I think this game will have some replay value, but I'm not sure how much. Once all players have the hang of things, it seems to be just a game of putting out little fires until eventually one comes along that just can't be contained. Right now it's a 6 for me and it could go up or down.

[Ken W] -12
Kevin -14
David -20
Kenny -27

Just to show you how far removed I am from the zeitgeist of American gaming -- this game bores the pants off me, but many people love it. It's not entirely unpleasant and, like Ubongo, I can play it every now and then. (But at least Ubongo has a pulse!)

[Duane] 20
Snoop 19
Brad 19
Jim 18

This is a Colovini, multi-player abstract, ostensibly about students travelling from village to village gaining wisdom in order to become masters. To say that it received a cool reception would be a great understatement. Some of the bits are *still* thawing out. Table talk consisted of remarks about how much people were not enjoying the game. I thought it was okay, but not stellar. There are better multi-player abstracts out there. This one has trade pile written all over it.

[Alec] 90
Snoop 77
Valerie 70

This game is like an old shoe. Not particularly impressive, but very comfortable.

[Alec] 47
Jim 54
Kenny 55
Snoop 55
Dave 61
Steve 66
Ken 67
Kevin 67
Duane 92

This game's getting rather old-shoey as well. Don't get me wrong, I used to LOVE it, but I don't get especially excited about playing it anymore. Still, it has its place as a fine closer when there are alot of people who have refused to go home.

[Kent] 33
Steve 25
Alec 22
Lisa 22
Jake 16

The Faidutti classic. I wasn't in this one, so I can't tell the story of how Jake came in last place.

[Jim] 45
Kent 38
Dave 34
Duane 42
Brad 33

This is the game the fellas were playing when I walked in. Everyone playing seemed to really love it. I don't think it will ever be regarded as one of DOW's better games. It has some fabulous bits, but they exist purely for show and don't add anything to the gameplay. They scream, "Pay No Attention to That Game Behind the Curtain." The face-up/face-down card deck element is very nice, though. I look forward to seeing it in a game I enjoy.

[Snoop] $119,500
Brad $118,000
Duane $88,000
Jim $98,500

Since I'm the one who usually writes these session reports, they tend to become little essays on the games I dislike. Okay, I didn't entirely dislike Giganten, but there wasn't a whole lot to love, either. Although it was a satisfying win, I felt like I came by it not entirely through skill, but by little gifts I received along the way. For instance, a die rolling in my favor, or someone bowing out of an auction when they could have (unknowingly) won it for one more dollar. Sure, luck plays a part in many of the games I enjoy, but here I felt like I got way more than my fair share. The game's fault? I'm not sure.

[David] The Killer

One of the all-time greats!


Kent, Steve, and Jake were all within $10 of each other.

[Duane] 61
David 50
Kevin 49
Brad 40

A wonderful game. Even better than Kill Dr. Lucky. I'm disappointed I didn't get a chance to play this one.

[Kenny] 53
Ken 47
Lisa 40
Kevin 32
Steve 29

The notes say that this was only Kenny's 2nd time playing, and Ken's first. I'm taking partial credit for Kenny's win since I advised him to go with the corn strategy. Actually, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to play this one as well.

[Kevin] 175
Brad 169
Duane 157
David 159

I can't say anything about this one. A report, please?

[Jim] 10
Alec 6
Snoop 6

This was part of my promise to Alec that I would try to get one game of Settlers in with him. I played this one several years ago when it first came out, and I don't own it (which I guess should tell you something). Still, I had more fun playing it than I remember it being, which is good. Jim trounced us by marching through Europe uncontested and gaining lots of valuable prizes. I went for an Australia strategy, but then I remembered that I wasn't playing Risk. Shit.

and now presenting the TSG FLAVOR OF THE MONTH...
[Ken] 74
David 67
Kenny 64
Kevin 58

Just to show you that I *can* be wrong on occasion, St. Petersburg was a game that I had absolutely no interest in for years. I played it when it first came out and considered it dull and vastly overrated. Fast forward a few years, and now I sorta get it. I guess there's an argument to suggest that I have a reason for liking it, since it's available at BSW. Also, it should be noted that the Aristocrat strategy failed to win either game on Saturday.

[Steve] 118
Duane 95
Ken W 90
Snoop 73

It's well-documented that the Mistress of Ceremonies is an *extremely* powerful card. Maybe too powerful. Guess who got *both* of them? (Hint: It won't me)

[Lisa] 166
Jim 164
Alec 156
David 142

Alec was not harmed during the playing of this game, but I believe he was threatened a few times.

[Jake] 293
Kenny 192
Kevin 191
Kent 184

Jake had the best stacks.

Damn, looking back on it, I missed out on Torres, Power Grid, Princes of Florence, *and* Puerto Rico. What the hell?!?!

See y'all next month, ya hear?


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